Wednesday, April 20, 2005

What's the big deal?

Well, our bags are packed and strapped to the sleigh, and the sled dogs are getting excited. So, time for a little background.

So, you know that conventions happen all the time for every science fiction series you can think of. What makes this one any different?

First and foremost, this one doesn't happen all the time. Star Wars Celebration III is only the third official Star Wars convention ever, and it's not annual. The last one took place in 2002, before the release of the Episode II. There aren't plans for any more films after this year, and there won't be another Star Wars Celebration any time soon.

Secondly, it's huge, and it's just Star Wars. Tens of thousands attend other conventions, but not under so specific a theme. There will be over 100 Star Wars "celebrities" signing autographs, from David Prowse, the original man in the Darth Vader suit, to those representing characters that never appeared in the films, but have developed a following based only on their likenesses being used in comics and games.

There will be long lines for autographs, but that will only be about a quarter of the total space used for the convention. There will be sessions on every topic that can be somehow related back to Star Wars, from showings of films made by fans, to technical panels with the designers of the special effects at ILM, to guided sessions on building working droids, to Q & A sessions with the producer of the films.

Lastly, there's George Lucas himself, in attendance. George hasn't been to a convention since 1987, and probably won't be again for at least as long.

Well, hopefully you get the idea. The line to get in started on Tuesday, so we'd better head on down the road.


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