Saturday, May 14, 2005

Happy Birthday to you, George Lucas

What? You didn't know today was his birthday? That's okay, you didn't need to get him anything.

George Walton Lucas, Jr. was born on May 14, 1944 as the son of a walnut farmer in Modesto, California. I guess beginnings don't get much more modest than that. Now estimated to personally be worth $3 billion, whatever you think of his films, it's hard to argue that hard work + your passion won't get you anywhere.

So, whatever your dream, whatever your passion, keep at it. Or if you need to, start right now. It's never too late. He would appreciate that more than any birthday present, I'm sure.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Spielberg moved to tears by Episode III

Steven Spielberg During a Q & A panel, George Lucas was asked about Steven Spielberg's involvement with the upcoming film. Lucas responded, "He did the whole thing, I just put my name on it." Ha! He kids, he kids. Spielberg was spending last summer bored by the pool after a cancelled project, and Lucas sent him storyboards of some action sequences for his input. Lucas said that he would not be specific about Spielberg's contributions, so that he could take credit for everything.

The results must have been good enough for Spielberg, who said this about the completed film:

I saw it about a week ago, and it's absolutely amazing. It's the best of the last three episodes. It's the best way you could possibly imagine for George to finish it off, it has a tremendous ending and it's very dark. You'll cry at the end, it's wonderful.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Where do Stormtroopers come from?

In seeing pictures from the convention, it's obvious there were a lot of people there in stormtrooper costumes. Where did they get them? Where do they come from? There were actually sessions at the convention held on costuming, to describe the process of making your own. Making one is beyond my knowledge, but I've learned what to do once you have your costume. Join the 501st.

The 501st is an organization made up of people who "own and proudly wear the costumes of the stormtroopers (and other imperial characters) from the Star Wars movies." There are no dues, no membership fees; the primary requirement is owning a professional quality Imperial (or enemy) themed Star Wars costume. There is a sister organization, Rebel Legion, for rebel costumers. But let's be honest, squads of stormtroopers walking around are much, much cooler than even the best-looking Jedi and Rebel pilot groups.

George Lucas even weighed in during one of his Q & A panels when asked by a child: "My daddy says the stormtroopers are the good guys. Are they?" to which Lucas responded: "Your dad is right - they are the good guys. They just work for a really bad man."

It's not all work and no play, though; there are variations on the theme, from midriff femtroopers, to rainbow-colored hippietroopers, to one that stands above the crowd: Elvis Trooper.